Mayor Mahesh Kumar, on Monday, visited Indira Camp, Rang Puri Hill, Mahipalpur, South West Delhi to take stock of the sanitary conditions in the area along with Deputy Commissioner of Najafgarh Zone, Santosh Kumar Rai and other senior officials of MCD and DUSIB.
Ordering the de-silting of all the drains of the camp with immediate effect, Kumar directed concerned officers to remove the silt lying outside the drains at the earliest. During the inspection, the mayor spoke to locals and listened to their grievances. He assured them of the redressal of their grievances.
The area came into limelight following a visit by the Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena, who shared a video clip of the civic woes of the people in the area with drainage water spilling on the streets, overflowing drains, roads submerged in sewage water and the residents complaining of inflated power bills.
As the clip went viral, Chief Minister Atishi visited the area on Sunday along with senior officials to take stock of the civic amenities and pledged swift road restoration and clean-up within a week.